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A few years ago my tabletop gaming friends and I had Lords of Waterdeep heavy in the rotation of games we were playing. One day I came across a Board Game Geek post about some great meeple pieces to replace the cubes that come with the game. I had to have them because Lords of Waterdeep was one of my favorite games and I wanted my gaming experience with my friends to be just that much cooler. Although I really liked the pieces, I thought the process to find and purchase them could be made easier.
That thought was the “acorn of an idea” that started Top Shelf Gamer. Since then I’ve continued to upgrade Lords of Waterdeep and many of my other favorite games. During that time many Kickstarters have come and gone with really cool components or storage solutions for some popular tabletop games. Also during that time, I’ve come across some incredible manufacturers with some great tabletop upgrades - but they’re hard to find.
My wife and I are gamers. We take pride in our games and we love improving the gaming experience with our friends - be it through a storage solution that gets us to playing quicker, component/token upgrades that make the play “cooler”, or items like card sleeves that just make the game survive longer.
But the problems are :
- You have to be “in the know” about the companies or products.
- Even if you know all the places to get cool upgrades, you have to scour each one for upgrades to your favorite games.
- You have to place individual orders with each company - meaning time to put in orders at multiple sites, pay shipping multiple times, and track multiple orders.
Top Shelf Gamer solves all that. We are Your One Stop Shop for Tabletop 'Pop'.
We want to help you:
- Identify ALL the upgrades that are available for your favorite games. (We’ll do the work for you!)
- Provide you those upgrades in a way that makes sense - organized by game. (Or type - if that suits your needs).
- Make it easy and efficient to buy those upgrades. (That “one stop shop” thing).
We have a lot of ideas for making your tabletop gaming experience better. We’re looking forward to bringing those ideas to you in the coming months and years.